An executive order (EO) is a directive issued by the president and has the force and effect of laws enacted
by Congress. A major provision of EO 11246 is that every executive department and agency that
administers a program involving federal financial assistance will require adherence to a policy of
nondiscrimination in employment as a condition for the approval of a grant, contract, loan, insurance, or
guarantee. Affirmative action, stipulated by EO 11246, requires employers to take positive steps to ensure
employment of applicants and treatment of employees during employment without regard to race, creed,
color, or national origin
Affirmative Action
An approach that an organization with government contracts develops to demonstrate that women or
minorities are employed in proportion to their representation in the firm’s relevant labor market Executive
Orders 11246 & 11375 require companies with federal contracts to develop affirmative action plans (AAPs)
it provides preferential treatment to minority group members in functions like Recruiting and Hiring
The three steps involved in developing an affirmative action program are (1) conducting a utilization
analysis, (2) establishing goals and timetables, and (3) determining action options. In the first phase,
organizations need to consider different pieces of information, which constitute an availability analysis after
they have conducted a utilization analysis. Rather, the employer should take into consideration the size of
the underutilization, how fast the work force turns over, and whether the work force is growing or
contracting. In the third phase, the companies recruit protected-class members, redesign jobs, provide
specialized training, and remove unnecessary employment barriers.
by Congress. A major provision of EO 11246 is that every executive department and agency that
administers a program involving federal financial assistance will require adherence to a policy of
nondiscrimination in employment as a condition for the approval of a grant, contract, loan, insurance, or
guarantee. Affirmative action, stipulated by EO 11246, requires employers to take positive steps to ensure
employment of applicants and treatment of employees during employment without regard to race, creed,
color, or national origin
Affirmative Action
An approach that an organization with government contracts develops to demonstrate that women or
minorities are employed in proportion to their representation in the firm’s relevant labor market Executive
Orders 11246 & 11375 require companies with federal contracts to develop affirmative action plans (AAPs)
it provides preferential treatment to minority group members in functions like Recruiting and Hiring
The three steps involved in developing an affirmative action program are (1) conducting a utilization
analysis, (2) establishing goals and timetables, and (3) determining action options. In the first phase,
organizations need to consider different pieces of information, which constitute an availability analysis after
they have conducted a utilization analysis. Rather, the employer should take into consideration the size of
the underutilization, how fast the work force turns over, and whether the work force is growing or
contracting. In the third phase, the companies recruit protected-class members, redesign jobs, provide
specialized training, and remove unnecessary employment barriers.
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