Thursday 19 April 2012


a.  Managing Diversity means taking steps to maximize diversity’s potential advantages while minimizing
the potential barriers, such as prejudices and bias that can undermine the functioning of a diverse workforce. 
b.  Boosting Workforce Diversity – Employers use various means to boost workforce diversity: start diversity programs; have departmental diversity meetings; form special  networking and mentoring groups;
and/or direct recruiting ads to one or more of the online minority-oriented job markets 

c.  Equal Employment Opportunity Versus Affirmative Action – Equal employment opportunity aims to ensure that anyone, regardless of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, or age, has an equal chance for a job based on his/her qualifications. Affirmative action goes beyond equal employment opportunity by requiring the employer to make an extra effort to recruit, hire, promote, and compensate those in protected groups to eliminate the present effects of past discrimination.

d.  Affirmative Action: Two Basic Strategies – The good faith effort strategy is aimed at
changing the practices that contributed to  minority groups’ or females’ exclusion or
underutilization. The quota strategy mandates bottom-line results through hiring and promotion


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